ID #1004

Why is my laptop so hot?

PC, especially laptop, is generating a lot of heat, therefore it is necessary to cool components (CPU, graphic card etc.) down. Most common method is to circulate air inside of the computer by fans or cooling pad. Over the long period of time cooling fans and heat sink will cover by dust (see attached pictures). PC gets very hot and performance is significantly down. Simple solution is to clean it. Basic steps to clean you laptop :
- unplug power from your PC
- remove cove panel (usually back of your PC, sometimes you need to remove key board ) to access cooling fan and heat sink
- if necessary, remove fan to access heat sink components
- using vacuum cleaner and cotton tips remove all visible dust

attached files: DSC02090-1.JPG, DSC01974.JPG, DSC01975.JPG, DSC01977.JPG, DSC02089.JPG, DSC02091.JPG

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